Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Reading Diary A: British North America

These were my thoughts while reading the British North America unit

Beliefs- this is an interesting take on how the world is. it would be interesting to see the mountains  while they were humans.
Creation of the World- this is cool I like the idea of falling out of the sky in to the water because what else would be below the sky.
How the Earth Was Formed- this is similar to the last one but this time it was just animals.
Creation of the Earth- got to keep all these people where they can see each other so what better place than the sky.
Origin of Rivers in Queen Charlotte Islands- that is a cool story for how the rivers were made.
Origin of Haida Land- its creepy that he took the bones out of the baby
Raven and Moon Woman- so raven broke the moon and made it into stars that was a cool idea I just wish he was not so winey.
Creation of Light – he got way to excited also the chanting in this maks me thing of finding nemo.
 Grizzly Bear and Coyote- woo go coyote saving us all from darkness.
Origin of Light and Fire- at first I thought he was bad but really he just wanted the fire.
The Burning of the World – this story remindes me on Noah’s ark
Why the Sun is Bright- so its not the light of the sun but the robe.
The Man in the Moon – Im still not sure where the deer came from.

Chief's Dancing Rattle From wikimedia 

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