man these rhymes are pretty crazy. i feel like they were written for kids but there are so many different types that i am not sure what to think. there were some funny ones like
"I'LL tell you a story
About Jack a Nory, —
And now my story's begun.
I'll tell you another
About Jack his brother, —
what does this even mean?
then there were some insightful ones
"A SUNSHINY shower
Won't last half an hour."
there were confusing ones
"I HAVE a little sister, they call her Peep, Peep;
She wades the waters deep, deep, deep;
She climbs the mountains high, high, high;
Poor little creature she has but one eye.
[A star.]"
there were some violent ones
"HUSH-A-BYE, baby, on the tree top;
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock;
When the bough bends, the cradle will fall;
Down will come baby, bough, cradle, and all."
how is this a good song to sing to a baby tome it sounds like the baby is falling out of a tree to its death.
and then there is my favorite one
"1. I AM a gold lock.
2. I am a gold key.
1. I am a silver lock.
2. I am a silver key.
1. I am a brass lock.
2. I am a brass key.
1. I am a lead lock.
2. I am a lead key.
1. I am a monk lock.
2. I am a monk key!"
Photo taken by Luc Viatour found on Wikimedia |