Thursday, August 27, 2015

Storybook Favorites

Let me start by saying that these story books are pretty good and I hope that I can make something as good as them. Out of all the story books that I looked at my top three were Demigod Daycare, The Fairy Godmother Union Strike, and A Meeting of the Gods. These three really stuck out to me. The first thing that grabbed my attention about each of these was their titles. 

Lest start with Demigod Daycare. The title of this one is exactly what it is. Its a daycare for the sons and daughters of gods. I really like the idea of all the little kids sitting around listing to stories about their parents. the fount used in this story book really works well with it and give it an old feel. 

On to The Fairy Godmother Union Strike. Wow just wow that title as soon as I saw that I knew I had to read it (i'm a sucker for a good title) this is a very creative take on fairy tales. Hannah does a very good job retelling these stories but with out the Fairy Godmothers in them. It made for a very fun to read and they had an "its a wonderful life" feel to them. I also really liked the formatting of this storybook.
Now last but not least A Meeting of the Gods. This title had me a little confused so I looked in to it more. I thought was going to be some story about god sitting around talking but boy was I wrong. As soon as I read the intro I became intrigued. I had never seen stories about gods of different pantheons meeting each other. These stories are fun creative and put a good twist on what we think we know about the god. The only down side to this storybook it the page that it is on is kind of boring.

Over all I really like all these stories and I hope that I can make something that can stand by them.

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