All of the stories can be found here
These were my thoughts as i was reading
The Wolf and the Kid:This reminds me of a bad guy telling his plan only to get caught before doing so.
The Tortoise and the Ducks: Dont take advantage of what you have and flow the rules and some times its better to keep your mouth shut.
The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox: Expect the unexpected. Just cause you think one thing is going to happen does not mean it will.
The Eagle and the Jackdaw: I like this story because at the end it is reviled that he is to cocky for his own good even after failing.
The Boy and the Filberts: Take things in moderation. I can just picture this chubby little boy freaking out.
The Ass and His Driver: I feel like the Driver some time when I see people doing things that I know will not be good for them but still they do not listen.
The Oxen and the Wheels: This is true I feel like some people just complain to hear the selves talk.
The Gnat and the Bull:Some times we think the world revolve around us.
The Plane Tree: Some times we miss what's right in front of us.
The Travelers and the Purse: I think its funny that people only want to share when they need help.
The Farmer and the Stork:This has happened to me before it is very important to surround your self with good friends.
The Sheep and the Pig: The sheep are blinded by there own ignorance can not see what is happening to the pig.
The Lion and the Ass: some people just are not worth it the time.
The Owl and the Grasshopper: The foolish grasshopper was to quick to revive his compliments fine someone who was his enemy.
The Wolf and His Shadow: Just cause some thing has changed for you does not mean that it has not changed for others.
The Rat and the Elephant: Dont forget where you come from.
The Boys and the Frogs: Some times we do not think about the impact that our actions will have on others
The Ass Carrying the Image: This reminds me of the car commercial where the guy thinks everyone is looking at his new shirt but really they are looking at the nice car behind him.
The Two Goats: Some times we just have to let things go.
The Ass and the Load of Salt: This one is funny to me because the ass tried to take a short cut but just ended up making it harder in himself.
The Lion and the Gnat: Poor gnat did not know that everyone has a weakness.
The Leap at Rhodes: This one is kind of strange.
The Monkey and the Camel: You not really sure about this one. maybe just do what you know your good at.
The Wild Boar and the Fox: That boar is always prepared
The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion: There was nothing to stop him from killing the fox
The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox: some times its better to share.
The Travelers and the Sea: some times our dreams can be to much.
The Wolf and the Lion: It was never his to start but that still does not make it right.
The Mice and the Weasels: they set them selves up to fail.
The Wolf and the Lean Dog: some times you just have to take what you can get.
The Lion and the Ass: it was not that he was frighting he was just unknown.
The Dog and His Master's Dinner: that dog should have never stopped to argue.
The Monkey and the Dolphin: poor monkey did not mean wrong he just misunderstood,
The Wolf and the Ass: stick to what you know.
The Monkey and the Cat: be careful to not get used.
The Dogs and the Fox:these dogs had the right idea its much easier to fight a lion when its dead.
The Dogs and the Hides: You need to think about your ideas before doing them.
The Rabbit, the Weasel, and the Cat: they should have just worked it out them selves.
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Monkey riding a dolphin:can be found in the Un-Textbook |